Hernia meshes

Frequently Asked Questions


Why does Optomesh ® stand out from the crowd?

Optomesh® is characterised by high porosity, large pores and low surface mass which results in exceptionally delicate and elastic device. Optomesh® device is indicated by high mechanical parameters which results in proper tissue support. Moreover, the use of blue orienting lines makes the mesh application much easier and more visible during operation.

Does the Optomesh® price depend on the mesh type? (L-Pore, M-Pore, S-Pore)?

There is a slight difference in price of Optomesh® mesh, dependant on the mesh type. In order to find out more details please contact the sales representative in your region.

Can Optomesh® be implanted inside the peritoneum?

No. Pure polypropylene meshes must not be implanted inside the peritoneum because it increases the risk of adhesions.

In case of the ultralight meshes with orienting lines- in which way should the mesh be implanted?

S-Pore and L-Pore meshes have blue orienting lines what makes them visible during the procedure and, as well, it is easier to adjust them to mechanical tissue features. Meshes are to be implemented along the muscle, according to higher elasticity direction. S-Pore and L-Pore should be implemented laterally (orienting lines should be placed horizontally). M-Pore mesh is universal because it has similar properties of deformation in lateral and longitudinal direction.
In terms of different types of hernia, the mechanical properties of tissues should be established and the implant should be placed according to direction of higher elasticity.

Are Optomesh® meshes intended for concrete types of hernia?


Optomesh® is recommended for reconstructive procedures in order to supplement and/or strengthen the defects of soft tissues in the case of abdominal hernias.
Optomesh® ULTRALIGHT The L-Pore variant, with the lowest mass per unit area, is recommended for hernias with small gates (diameter up to 5 cm). The M-Pore variant, as the most universal, can be used for hernias with small, medium and large gates (diameter over 10 cm). The S-Pore variant, with the smallest mesh diameter, can be used for hernias with small or medium gates (diameter up to 10 cm).
Optomesh® SUPERULTRALIGHT is recommended for treating hernias with a small defect in connective (fascial) tissue – gate diameter up to 5 cm.
Optomesh® 3D is recommended for reconstructive procedures to supplement and/or strengthen the defects of soft tissues in the case of inguinal hernia, both primary and recurrent. The implants are adjusted to the individual shape of the patient’s groin.
Optomesh® STOMA is intended for use during the surgical treatment of the causal or preventive occurrence of peristomal hernia.
The surgeon always makes the final decision about the selection of the mesh.

How do we fix the Optomesh®?

The mesh implants from Optomesh® family should be fixed with the use of surgical seams, tackers and tissue glue or staplers. Decision concerning the type of fixation is always made by the surgeon.


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